Technology News

Will Agile Manifesto Principles Have Relevance in the Future?

Present-day businesses have closely witnessed the technological upheaval in the past few years that left the developers baffled regarding the relevance of Agile Manifesto values and principles. And after a practical experiment, probably, the world came up with a simple answer – YES! The master document with 12 principles and 4 key values ingrained in it, surely stands pertinent even today. How? You may ask.

Well, with Agile Manifesto principles and values by your side, you are empowered with project visibility, better client satisfaction, faster review cycles, quicker time-to-market, and even more. So, for the Agile Manifesto that has been seamlessly serving businesses over various projects across a couple of decades, let’s catch up with its base.

Sliding to the times of the 1990s, businesses realized that the Waterfall model and other conventional approaches were not enough. This was because business requirements and customer needs got hit by advancements and changes, making it difficult for developers to reach project deadlines.

This led to 17 tech-experts meeting in Utah and discussing the overall future of software development. The Utah meeting amidst the scenes of Wasatch Mountains, in Snowbird, then gave birth to a formally written 12 Agile Manifesto Principles.

Hopping back to the relevance of the Agile Manifesto, we know that it’s finely practical in business at the current date, but what about tomorrow? With technological advancements being heavily poured onto businesses nowadays, is the Agile Manifesto at risk of getting outdated? Keep scrolling to get the answers.