Consciousness, Reality, Science & Suppression

Hologram TechnologyHolographic telepresence know-how is fast changing into a part of our life. Holograms could bring about a huge change within the medical business — in instructional functions, diagnostics, and surgical procedure. The latest advancement that is going to rework the medical care business is the ‘Holodoctors’ or holographic telepresence medical doctors. Pencarian untuk bahan optik nonlinier baru untuk holografi dinamis merupakan bidang penelitian aktif. Bahan yang paling umum adalah kristal photorefractive, tetapi dalam semikonduktor atau heterostructures semikonduktor (seperti sumur kuantum), uap atom dan gas, plasma, dan bahkan cairan, adalah mungkin untuk menghasilkan hologram.

At the tempo holograms are becoming an experience-maker for consumers of live entertainment or professionals alike, ready on this opportunity could be unwise. Bullish investors should put their money on hologram focused companies before this know-how turns into the norm. Neil Postman sees Media Ecology as: “Wanting into matter of how media of communication have an effect …

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