Definition of Information Technology, as well as its Purpose and Functions

The definition of information technology in general is a study of the design, implementation, development, support or management of computer-based information systems, especially in hardware (hardware) and software (computer software) applications. In simple terms, the notion of information technology is facilities consisting of hardware and software to support and improve the quality of information for every level of society quickly and with quality. Meanwhile, according to Wikipedia, the notion of Information technology (IT) is a general term for technology to help humans create, change, store, communicate, and disseminate information. The purpose of information technology is to solve a problem, open up creativity, increase effectiveness and efficiency in human activities.

Information Technology Trends for 2021 - Artha Telekomindo

Understanding Information Technology (IT) According to Experts

1. Haag and Keen (1996): Understanding information technology according to Haag and Keen that information technology is a set of tools that help you work with information and perform tasks related to information processing.…

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The Importance of Digital Technology for Business

10 Tools That Will Bring a Digital Transformation to Your Small Business

Now the development of times and technology is progressing rapidly enough that many people use it to help with their daily activities, for example for office work, then demands for lessons to understand the internet, find information, and also as one of the most popular media. just right for marketing a product or doing business. Technology and information are now one of the daily necessities that are often consumed and even many people who have used it, ranging from children, adolescents, to adults, are aware of the development of this digital technology.

Why do many people say that this technological development can help develop a business? The answer is, now that Indonesia has implemented business competition related to the era of globalization so that many business people have to compete so that their business can grow rapidly, one of which is by taking advantage of this technological development, namely …

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