The definition of information technology in general is a study of the design, implementation, development, support or management of computer-based information systems, especially in hardware (hardware) and software (computer software) applications. In simple terms, the notion of information technology is facilities consisting of hardware and software to support and improve the quality of information for every level of society quickly and with quality. Meanwhile, according to Wikipedia, the notion of Information technology (IT) is a general term for technology to help humans create, change, store, communicate, and disseminate information. The purpose of information technology is to solve a problem, open up creativity, increase effectiveness and efficiency in human activities.
Understanding Information Technology (IT) According to Experts
1. Haag and Keen (1996): Understanding information technology according to Haag and Keen that information technology is a set of tools that help you work with information and perform tasks related to information processing.
2. Oxford English Dictonary (OED): Information technology is hardware and software and can include networks and telecommunications which are usually in a business or business context.
3. Williams and Sawyer (2003): According to Williams and Sawyer, the notion of information technology is a technology that combines computing (computers) with high-speed communication lines that carry data, voice, and video.
4. Martin (1999): According to Martin, information technology is technology that is not only computer technology (hardware and software) which will be used to process and store information, but includes communication technology to send or disseminate information.
Information Technology Functions
There are six functions of information technology, including the following:
1. Capture (Capture) Capture here can be interpreted as input. For example, receiving input from mic, keyboard, scanner, and others.
2. Processing (Processing) Processing or processing data entered received to become information. Processing and processing of data can be in the form of converting, analyzing, and calculating (calculation).
3. Generating (Generating) Producing or organizing information into a useful form or report that can be understood by others. For example, such as reports, tables, charts, and pictures.
4. Storing (Storage) Record or store data and information in a medium that can be used for other purposes. An example is saving to hard disk, flash disk, tape, and others.
5. Retrival Search and retrieve information or copy data and information that has been stored. For example, looking for sales data that has been previously stored.
6. Transmission (Transmission) Sending data and information from one location to another via a computer network. For example, by sending sales data from user A to another user.
This is information regarding the meaning of information technology, its purpose and function. Hopefully it can be useful for all of us both in helping our daily activities related to technology needs and getting information.